
'summerhill' by a.s.neill

What is freedom?

'Summerhill' is a book about a school n yet one find the answer of above question in it.
It is batter that I quote A.S.Neill rather then commenting on his work.
  • Fashion typifies the crowd's dislike of freedom.
  • As individuals,we calmly accept crowd rulings that are stupid.
  • If a man is shocked by anything, it is by the thing that he is most interested in.
  • the business of being sincere in life and to life is a vital one....Yet we educate our children in such a way that they dare not to be sincere....The greatest discovery we made at Summerhill is that a child is born sincere.
  • The aim of life is happiness. The evil of life is all that limits or destroy happiness.
  • Self-regulation implies a belief in the goodness of human nature; a belief that there is noe, and never was, original sin.
  • Any idea, old or new, is dangerous, if not combined with common sense.
  • The man, who holds his family in bondage. is, and must be, a slave himself- foe in a prision a jailor also is confined.
  • But the question arises : Is it possible to approve of children if you do not approve of yourself? If you are not aware of yourself, you cannot approve of yourself.
  • The one commandment that every parent and teacher MUST obey is this : Thou shall be on the child's side.
  • ...but heads never cause neurosis; only hearts do.
well,,, n all this stuff is from only one chapter- The Free Child.
# order this book at : Pitara-Gujarat (02633-240409),its also available in hindi(175rs)


Jigar said...

Its seems like a nice book. I liked the line "Fashion typifies the crowd's dislike of freedom". Its esp true in today's time.

Falguni Marwadi said...

interesting!ven v meet, yu vl have to tel short summary of sm buks yu hav written about.

write smthing about ur traking experiences..

ur doing great..
vd lv..

Falguni Marwadi said...

ur doin interesting...

keep it up...