
Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons by Dan Brown

Dan Brown
*I have just finished reading two books by Dan Brown : - Da Vinci Code & Angels N Demons.
I have avoided reading them due to contoversies associated with them. I am not interested to read a book who target religious sentiments to grow its seeling neither I am interested in reading a thriller like typical Hollywood movie. But, after recommendation coming from a trusted source, I went for it n Gosh ! It made me running after each word of if up to the end.

well, I like Da Vinci more. I m still not sure how much historical facts Brown has blended with fiction. I found mysteries related with the words and symbols fascinating. How the power hungry male rewrote the Bible vanishing the historical & rational facts about Jesus Christ is very very interesting to observe. After much controversies,Brown was able to publish the book n release the movie. I suspect if such thing is possible in our religiously over sensitive society.

 Angels & Demons is the first adventure of the hero-Robert Langdon (Da Vinci is the 2nd). I guess Brown tried to play safe in his first book,though the topic is quite sensitive to handle-like the antimatter. The lines related to the topic-science vs faith(read religion) are very appealing and I found them quite useful to clear up my doubts. This book also opens up our eyes wide about the true base of all the religions-fear. Also, Brown took the universal subject-two persons with similar childhood,grows up with different mindset due to the interpretations they have made of their circumstances n thus by making different choices(here CERN chief n the secretary of the Pope).

The Female characters of Brown's stories are with THE substance. Da Vinci speaks loud n lot about the history when the muscle power of  male ego crushed out the equal capacity n capability of the woman leading to the non equality on our planet.

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