
He is a leader and a gem of a person.

He is a leader and a gem of a person.
So,  I don’t want him to be recognized.
I want to cover him up in a safe vault, like a precious gem.

He calls each one of the students with her name.
He knows the address and socio-economic background of each child.
He never criticizes his subordinates and always takes side of them before outsiders.
He never cancels any programme, in any circumstances. He finds ways to overcome circumstances.
He takes classes regularly and finishes the syllabus.
Any child (girl) can go to him anytime.
He knows why a parent or an old student is visiting him or the school, beforehand the visit. He never makes the visitor wait for more than 30 minutes.
He opens the school and closes it, too.

I don’t want him to be known.
I fear, they may kill him.
They may make him run between different programmes, make him giving speeches on leadership and make him a master trainer.
They may pollute his work place by frequent visits, wasting his precious time and energy.
They may use his skills to settle their silly administrative tasks and political deadlines.
They may insult him with stupid awards.

He is a leader and a gem of a person.

So,  I don’t want him to be recognized. 

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